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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 39.6%

A:   108   Joined
B:   165   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!



These are only a few of the reasons why it’s important to take part in promoting Suicide Prevention Awareness Month.

Individual Impact:

  • 78% of all people who die by suicide are male.
  • Although more women than men attempt suicide, men are nearly 4x more likely to die by suicide.
  • Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10–34 and the 10th leading cause of death overall in the U.S.
  • The overall suicide rate in the U.S. has increased by 35% since 1999.
  • 46% of people who die by suicide had a diagnosed mental health condition.
  • While nearly half of individuals who die by suicide have a diagnosed mental health condition, research shows that 90% experienced symptoms.

Community Impact:

  • Annual prevalence of serious thoughts of suicide, by U.S. demographic group:
    • 4.8% of all adults
    • 11.8% of young adults aged 18-25
    • 18.8% of high school students
    • 46.8% of lesbian, gay and bisexual high school students
  • Some of the highest rates of suicide in the U.S. are among American Indian/Alaska Native and non-Hispanic white communities.
  • Lesbian, gay and bisexual youth are 4x more likely to attempt suicide than straight youth.
  • Transgender adults are nearly 12x more likely to attempt suicide than the general population.
  • Suicide is the leading cause of death for people held in local jails.
Data from CDC, NIMH and other select sources.

Crisis Resources

  • If you or someone you know is in an emergency, call 911 immediately.
  • If you are in crisis or are experiencing difficult or suicidal thoughts, call the National Suicide Hotline at 988. Available 24 hours every day; Languages: English, Spanish
  • If you’re uncomfortable talking on the phone, you can also Text NAMI to 741-741 to be connected to a free, trained crisis counselor on the Crisis Text Line.

Courtesy of National Alliance on Mental Illness

September Songs the Topic of September Poll

Fans of the monthly poll will be pleased to know there is a new Poll now up on this Home Page.  Apologies for not publishing a poll during the past month, but maybe you'll revisit each of he six songs listed on the new Poll and enjoy most, if not all, of the selections.  Then, log-in to and mark your favorite among the songs of September and watch during the month as others pick their favorite.  Your choice is anonymous.  The Poll is just for the enjoyment of subscribers to this website. 

EPHS Magnet Programs, Add One More

El Paso High School is noted nationally and internationally for its "Connecting Worlds/Mundos Unidos," Dual Language magnet program.  This program is recognized for its "innovative curriculum that is delivered fulidly between multiple languages."

The school has also been entrusted to develop and produce a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) academy with the additional designation of the "T for Texas" prefix:  T-STEM Academy.  The Texas Education Agency states the designation process ensures that school districts and colleges operating T-STEM campuses maintain the integrity of the model, which was researched and designed to target and serve students who might not otherwise attend college.

Another unique magnet program at EPHS is the AP Capstone, a two-year, upper level Placement Diploma Program sponsored by The College Board, the folks who create and administer the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test).  According to EPHS Principal, Mark Paz, PhD, "The AP Capstone is as rigorous and comparable to the International Baccalaureat (IB) Program offered at Coronado HS."

The Dual Language, AP Capstone, and T-STEM Academy can be combined and taken simultaneously, according to Paz.

The above described magnet programs have been offered at EPHS for no less that four years.  A fourth magnet program is now accepting applicaion for the 2021-22 year.  EPHS administration and faculty had to demonstrate its capabilities, facilities, know-how, and dedication to be granted the opportunity to open a PTECH magnet.  Those students who enroll as Freshment next school year in the PTECH magnet will have the opportunity to graduate with an associate degree or nationally recognized certification in computer science and/or networking.  "Because of the rigorous course load," Principal Paz said,  "PTECH students CANNOT participate in additional magnet programs."  

When El Paso High School is referred to as a unique high school, it's academic programs, including Advance Placement (AP) and Dual Credit courses, as well as the incomperable magnet programs and CCTE (Center for Career & Technology Education) offerings, continue the long history of dedication to opportunity and to excellence.   It requires outstanding, devoted teachers and students willing to accept the challenges!

History of the letters on Franklin Mountain

"See, see, see, the 'E'!" was the popular chant that announced to the audience in RR Jones Stadium that El Paso High's "E" on the mountain had been lit to signify to the community that the proud Tigers were defending the Orange & Black on their home field.  The lighted collegiate "E", accomplished by placing dozens of oil cans filled with sawdust and kerosine into the form of the "E" on the mountainside near where is now the KVIA television transmitter, was a seasonal expression of the Tiger spirit.  But close-by on the mountain was a white washed "E", also for El Paso High, which was visible everyday throughout the year.  The "E" Association, a volunteer aggregation of EPHS students, assumed the task of preparing and igniting the "E" during football season and in the sping the intrepid "E" Associaiton members took-on the arduous duty of white washing the "E" to keep it well defined on the west side of Mount Franklin. 

How these traditions began is the topic of Trish Long's article in the 20 May 2018 El Paso TimesA look back at the history of the letters on El Paso's Franklin Mountains and NMSU's 'A'.  Actually, the "E" is hardly mentioned, but El Paso High is credited with initiating the concept in the 1920-21 school year; Long's article is mostly about UTEP's "M" and NMSU's "A." 
El Paso High's "E" faded from the slope of Mount Franklin in the 1970s because of a city ordinance which forbad such displays; school district regulations, and a general risk aversion pertaining to injuries which may occur while packing gallons upon gallons of white wash up the mountain and returning back to a more safe terrain at a parking area along Scenic Drive.  The lighted "E" was prohibited also for much the same reasons, although the flickering, orange glow of the cans afire was a beautiful sight set against the blackness of the night.

Today there is a whitewashed "E" in the vicinity of EPH's original "E."  The new "E" first appeared in the Spring of 2015.  It was not an "E" but a crude "C".  On the second day after the appearance of the "C" the figure had been turned into an "E" by squaring-off the corners of the "C" and adding a center prong.  Of course, the suspicion was that new "E" had been painted on the mountainside by El Paso High afficionados, but there was no evidence of that.  In fact, the "C" appeared preceding the Cathedral High School Senior Prom.  There were, of course, denials from that quarter, too.  The owner of that portion of the mountain did, later, admit privately that when the "C" appeared, he arranged for his employees to make the change to an "E" in keeping with tradition.  The land owner is an alumnus of Cathedral but has close family ties to "The Lady on The Hill." 

On the east side of Mount Franklin, Austin's "A" is still displayed as is an "I" for Irvin.  The reason the "A" is still maintained is that the owner of the property permits it and the story is that the land owner gained a variance from the city's beautification ordinance which otherwise put an end to whitewashed school letters littering the mountain. 

The "E" on the mountain was part of El Paso High tranditons for nearly 50 years.  In more recent year, the tradition has been literally re-ignited during Homecoming with the Eve of The "E" Ceremony in RR Jones Stadium.  Instead of using sawdust and kerosine in oil cans, the Senior class creates a design featuring the "E" on the field using lumenaria lit by battery powered tea lights.  It is not quite the same proclaimation from atop the mountain, but each suceeding Senior class endeavors to out-do the previous class, so creativity has a larger part than in the past as each Senior class assumes the role of The "E" Association to light the "E" for Tigers' Homecoming.

Centennial Banner Makes Debut

The banner shown above was previewed in January during a media conference initiating the EPHS Centennial Legacy Series, but it had it's debut on 24 March for the Legacy Series presentation about Sports at the El Paso High School "On The Hill."  The unique banner will be displayed at various events during the Centennial Year, including the Centennial Celebration on 8 October when The Claw Game will be contested in RR Jones Stadium followed by the world record attempt for the World's Largest High School Reunion.  The banner is also expeted to be marched at the front of the El Paso High School Centennial Section in the annual Sun Bowl Parade on Thanksgiving Day 2016.  The El Paso High Alumni Association is also sponsoring a float to mark the centennial of "The Lady on The Hill" where the Sun Bowl was born and it's first three games played in 1936, 37, and 38.

Now that you've seen this new banner while it was displayed on the parking-lot fence across the street from the Schuster Avenueu entryway, take another, closer look.  You may not see the image of the columnaide from the portico at the front of EPHS, but can you you make-out why this banner is named "The Tiger Eyes Banner"?  Yup, that's a tiger looking back at you from behind the columnaide and superimposed text. Had you missed those amber eyes?  You won't again, will you?  The idea for the design for this 15-foot long banner came from Susan Torres Macias, the Student Activities Manager at EPHS; she is an alumna of the Class of 83.  The banner was created under the direction of Jamie Rupley at El Paso's Perky Press.  Anna Mares (Class of 80), an Alumni Association Director, generously underwrote "The Tiger Eyes Banner."

Congressman Beto O'Rourke Addresses the Centennial Year Class of 2016 Graduation (6 min 30 sec video) •

Welcome to El Paso High School Centennial Year 2016.  Take a moment to view this video, take in the excitement, then, if your are not yet a member of the EPHS Alumni Association, take a couple of minutes to join at 

The Pride of El Paso • E-P-H-S Rah! Rah! Rah!

El Paso High Kicks-off Centennial Year with First Legacy Series Presentation

EPHS Centennial Legacy Series:  Architecture -- Program Sample

A brief sample of the first Legacy Series presentation. This video produced by students of the EPHS Broadcast Journalism Class under the direction of Michael Reese, EPHS 2015-16 Teacher of the Year.

Perspectives, An Interview Program of El Paso Community College

Sandy Aaronson (Class of 64) and Betty Ann Seiler (Class of 62) talk about the El Paso High School Centennial Celebration.


KTSM-TV News Presents Feature on EPHS Centennial

Linda Ong, a morning anchor for KTSM-TV, Channel 9, along with two cameramen were on the El Paso High campus to collect video and to conduct an interview with Janie Pierce Shockley (Class of 62) and Hannah Jay, a member of the 2016 Centennial Class.  The feature story was broadcast on Friday (5 February) during the News Channel 9 Today program.  Watch Ong's report by clicking here.

EPHS Dual Language Program

Learn about "Two Languges, Two Cultures" Dual Language Magnet Program at El Paso High School.

New Mascot Art Adorns Gym Floor

As the CD Jarvis Gym turns 50-years old this fall, the building was repainted inside and out and the gym floor got a much needed reconditioning.  The gym arena was closed much of the summer as the floor's existing, aged varnish and paint were stripped.  Where the flooring had become uneven over the years, the planks were refastened and leveled, chips and holes were filled, and the floor sanded smoothe before new paint was applied and new, high impact varnish laid-down.  The gym arena floor was finally reopened on 21 August,  just prior to the start of classes for the 2015-16 school year.

The center court mascot art and surrounding font (pictured above & below) are dramatic departures from a traditional motif which it replaces and which adorns most gym floors at high schools and colleges across the US.  The new art depicts massive tiger claw marks which have ripped-open the gym floor to reveal a tiger peering out from underneath.

The school district agreed to pay of portion of the cost of new mascot art and center-court font, but the bulk of that customizing cost was to be paid by funds raised by the Volleyball Boosters and the Basketball Boosters, the principal sports utilizing the gym.  With gratitude, the following donors contributed funding necessary for commercial artist Jesse Corral to apply the unique artwork at center court of El Paso High's CD Jarvis Gym..

 Lee Schwartz (62)             Steven Blumenthal (66)

 Amada Flores (63)            Joe Herrera (66)

 Mark Blumenthal (64)       Anna Mares (80)

 David Wilbanks (65)          Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

 Ken Bruder (65)                 AIM Construction

 Cyd Goldfarb (EPHS Guidance Counselor)

EPHS Fight Song Ringtone Now Available at iTunes

Strike-up the band with the familiar tones of the El Paso High Fight Song when your wireless phone rings.  Now,  for a mere $1.29 at the iTunes Store, you may download the fight song to your iPhone.  If you have an Android phone, word is that the same recording can be added to the ringtones of non-iPhone devices, as well.  A portion of every purchase of this ringtone benefits the EPHS Alumni Association, so hop-on and download a peppy instrumental rendition of the renowned chorus from "The Orange & Black!"

Original Central School Bell is At Home at EPHS

The bell, which for years pealed from the tower of Central School at what was then the east side of downtown El Paso, is now part of El Paso High.  The bell arrived on campus on 15 October 2014 and was presented to the student body, faculty, and a crowd of alumni less than 48 hours later during the annual Homecoming Pep Assembly. 

The EPHS Alumni Association coordinated the transfer of the bell from the home of Ken Thomas, a retired EPISD employee, and alumni volunteers and voctional education students at EPHS will take part in the reconditioning of the bronze bell and the refinishing of the cast iron yolk and cradle.

The school bell was originally cast in 1885 in St. Louis, Missouri, by the L. M. Rumsey Manufacturing Co. which specialized in farm machinery and bells during the last quarter of the 19th Century until 1917 when the company closed.  High School for El Paso started on the second floor of Central School in September of 1885.  With the Old Central School Bell now at EPHS, an ad hoc committee is considering options on how and where the bell will be displayed.  One proposition being given consideration is to mount the bell on a custom-made cart so The Old Central School Bell may initiate some meaningful new traditons at EPHS at the confluence of the end of the high school's first century and the beginning of it's second century of excellence in public education for El Paso.  In this option, the bell may be used during football games to mark scoring plays by the Tigers; as signal indicting initiation or conclusion (or both)  to graduations held in RR Jones Stadium; Memorial Day and Veterans Day Ceremonies on the front steps; Homecoming and Sun Carnival parades; and as part of other events on the campus and in the community.

Ken Thomas, the donor of The Old Central School Bell, told media before the Homecoming assembly that El Paso High was the ideal place for the bell because a) El Paso High is the succesor to high school at Central School; b) the JROTC program at EPHS was a continuation of the first JROTC unit in all of Texas which was formed at High School, then at Central School and it was Major James Gaines, an EPISD Assistant Superintendent for JROTC who saved the bell from oblivion and possibly the scrap heap; and c) El Paso High has an alumni association which cherishes and preserves the history of The El Paso High School dating back to the early days at The Old Central School.   Thomas also told reporters that he was very impressed on how competently and amicibly the personnel of the EPHS Alumni Association had acted in the three weeks since he offered the bell to El Paso High. The palpable excitement on the EPHS campus among students, faculty, and alumni, Thomas said, was evidence The Old Central School Bell has found it's rightful home.

Read a report about The Old Central School Bell at these links:  El Paso Times or EPISD .

The 1885 Original Central School Bell is displayed below after the bell has been cleaned and mounted on a custom-built cart with sign panels added to identify the bell and tie it to its home, The El Paso High School. Fernando Lopez (Class of 1966) volunteered to paint the bell cart and Nancy Schwartz (Class of 1966) donated the required primer, paint and other supplies.

Remaining to be repainted are original wrought iron yoke, holding the bell, and uprights, which cradel the yoke.

Centennial Commemorative Tile Project Update

On 25 April 2015, additional Centennial Commemorative Tiles were mounted on the backside of the press box at RR Jones Stadium, completing that installation.  The second installation was begun on a wall between the Library/Cafeteira and the CD Jarvis Gym. 

Photo Courtesy Sandy Aaronson

The second installation site is being laid-out around a new center tile application which continues the Tiger motif seen on the press box installation and includes the popular verse from The Orange & Black, El Paso High's original fight song:  For when we're on the field of battle/ Then for our colors we will fight/ The Orange and Black will always stand for what we know is right! ...

Photo Courtesy Sandy Aaronson

To the left of the Tiger is a tile in tribute to Coach CD Jarvis with notation of the 1947 State Basketball Championship he lead.  Next to that is a tile for Coach Ken Morehead recognizing his 22 years as Head Baseball Coach at EPHS.  Further to the left is the tile purchased by Richard Crockett (Class of 1965) commemorating the Tiger basketball team of 64-65 which finished the season 3rd in State.

During the addition of tiles at the press box installation, it was discovered that the EPHS Class of 1966 tile was cracked and will have to be remanufactured.  The Class of 1966 tile was one of only two tiles on the top row until the new additions were made; both those top-row tiles were cracked by undetermined causes.  Each of those tiles, when remanufactured, will be added to a new installation on the EPHS campus.

Crack visible in lower right quadrant across "F" and "1" of "OF" and "1966."  Photo Courtesy Sandy Aaronson

EPHS Centennial Commemorative Tiles may still be ordered from the El Paso High Tigers Friends & Exes.  Find details elsewhere on this Home Page.  Proceeds from purchases of these tiles have been donated by the Friends & Exes to the EPHS Project 100, El Paso High School's PTSA campus enhancement and beautification project (find donation opportunities for Project 100 elsewhere on this Home Page).

Centennial Commemorative Tile Project Continues to Grow (Updated 29 Mar 2015)

Installation of Centennial Commemorative Tiles on the backside of the press box at RR Jones Stadium is nearly complete and the El Paso High Tigers Friends & Exes are turning their attention to the second installation site for tiles:  the wall surrounding the receiving area at the east end of the Library/Cafeteria Building.

The Centennial Commemorative Tile Second Installation site is to be on the wall at the right in this photo.  Note the new tables and benches installed as part of the EPHS PTSA's EPHS 100 Campus Beautification & Enhancement Project.  The new tables and benches were purchased with part of an additional $3,400 grant from the Centennial Commemorative Tile Project.  The "Eye of The Tiger" art on the wall of the Library/Cafeteria Building is a gift of the EPHS Class of 2012. (Photo courtesy Sandy Aaronson)

Pictured above is the Centerpiece for the Second Installation of EPHS Centennial Commemorative Tiles (Photo courtesy Sandy Aaronson)

Centennial Commemorative Tiles may still be purchased at the price of $135 each, with up to three lines of text to salute alumni, a family, faculty member, or an enterprise which has been a support to EPHS during it's first Century of Excellence.  To request an order from, use the Contact Us button on the Main Menu.  Be sure to include your name, your E-mail/postal address,  and a phone number at which you may be contacted, please.

On Friday, 26 September 2014, The EPHS Class of 1966  Centennial Commemorative Tile was mounted top row, center of the  first tile installation on the back wall of the press box of RR Jones Stadium.  The EPHS66 tile is situated immediately above the tile honoring the school's architects and engineers, Trost & Trost.  This placement recognizes The Class of 1966 as the EPHS Semi-Centennial Class.  (See The EPHS Class of 1966 tile on the top row, above the Tiger and "HIGH" in the photo below.)

The EPHS66 Centennial Commemorative Tile mounted top center (Photo courtesy Sandy Aaronson)

  The 16" x 16" tiles, commemorating the EPHS Centennial, are a project of the El Paso High Tigers Friends & Exes organization.  You may find additional images of the initial Installation of tiles at the press box in the EPHS Campus Photo Gallery.  The second installation of tiles is expected to accommodate an additional hundred or so tiles.   The EPH Friends & Exes initially donated $5,800 from tile sales to the EPHS PTSA for campus improvement and beautification also depicted in the EPHS Campus Photo Gallery.

The EPHS66 Quinquagenary Reunion Organizing Committee voted to assure that EPHS66, as a class, would be represented among the tiles which become a permanent reflection of the school's first century as it embarks on its second century. 

So that the purchase of the commemorative tile would not place a burden on the reunion organizing committee's treasury, it was agreed to off-set the cost with voluntary contributions from EPHS66 classmates.  Those who have contributed are listed below, but you may now join the list with your contribution of from $5 to $20, sent to EPHS66 Reunion, 2227 N Kansas St, El Paso 79902.  More infomaton about the Centennial Commemorative Tile Project and how you may purchase one is displayed elsewhere on this Home Page.  Thanks to these contributors:

   Arthur Nieto (Denver, CO)                  Grace Ruiz (Albuquerque, NM)

   Richard Baron (Santa Fe, NM)           Freda Nelson Evans (Tustin, CA)

   Angie Enriquez Heredia                     Norma Martinez Kernz

   Rose Mary Arreola Lopez & Fernie Lopez  Bob Novick

   Romie Pichardo Monteros                  Steve Blumenthal

Link to KTSM-TV Special Report: The 1963 Battle for the Claw; the battle that never fought

This will link you to the KTSM-TV website for the story broadcast on 8 November concerning the football rivalry dating from 1930 between EPHS and Austin High and the interruption of that string of battles between the Tigers and Panthers in 1963 when President Kennedy was assassinated.

Volunteer to Contribute to Brain Function Research 

Scientists are currently testing many promising treatments that could help reduce cognitive decline and delay the onset of brain disease. Yet a major challenge for research is recruiting participants for studies.  Researchers need all sorts of volunteers to participant in clinical trials, not just those who are concerned about or diagnosed with brain disease.  Healthy volunteers are often needed, for a variety of reasons. 

The Brain Health Registry aims to speed up the drug discovery process by matching eligible volunteers with the right research study.  The brain health and lifestyle information shared by volunteers helps The Brain Health Registry efficiently identify what kinds of studies for which a volunteer may be qualified.  Once the Registry has identified a study for which a particular volunteer  may be a good match, the Registry will send an email describing the study and giving the volunteer more information about how to participate.

For more information and to volunteer, visit 

The Brain Health Registry

"You only understand the tradition if you were blessed enough to live it."

Welcome to the El Paso High Class of 1966 website

See a satellite view of the EPHS campus via Google Earth http://googol/maps/Xwd0L.  
 EPHS66 Quinquagenary Reunion & EPHS Centennial Celebration

Planning for the 50-Year reunion of the El Paso High School Class of 1966 is underway. The reunion will coincide with the Centennial Celebration of EPHS (1916-2016) at it's majestic location “on the hill.” That's why this website has been created, to help bring the class back together for some fun, some reminiscing, and to keep fresh the memory of our departed classmates. Make a commitment today to be a part of the Quinquagenary Reunion: it's not a reunion without you!

The Quinquagenary Reunion Organizing Committee has already formed and meets quarterly to plan a very special experience in 2015 or 2016. Want to volunteer or have suggestions for reunion events? Just send an E-mail through this website – first register, please. Find the Members Log-In box on this page and create your Classmate Profile. If you're not on the current list of classmates, please use the Contact Us tab on the left to get in touch. There is no cost to create a Classmate Profile and you decide what information may be displayed to other classmates.

EPHS66 Quinquagenary Reunion Schedule





Early Bird Special

$70 /Person

Expired 30 June 2016

Standard Registration


6 September 2016

Late Registration


Memorabilia Not Assured


Quinquagenary Reunion Event

Homecoming or Centennial Activity

Thu 6 Oct

Noon to 5PM

On-Site Check-In

& Hospitality Room

Hilton Garden Inn - University


6PM – 11PM

Classmate Mixer & Buffet

Home of Lee Schwartz & Bob Novick

6PM – 7PM

EPHS Homecoming Parade

Neighborhood around campus


7PM – 9PM

Eve of The E

RR Jones Stadium

Fri 7 Oct

8 AM – 10 AM

On-Site Check-In

Hilton Garden Inn - University


EPHS Open for Touring

Lady on The Hill, Library, & Gym

1030AM -1145 AM

Class of 66 Assembly

EPHS Auditorium


EPHS Museum Open

EPHS Alumni Assn Reception

Noon - 1215 PM

Class of 66 Re-Gift Tiger Sign



1215 – 2 PM

Lunch With Friends


EPHS History

EPHS Auditorium



Homecoming Pep Assembly

CD Jarvis Gymnasium


Free Time

Dinner & Dance Decorations

Ballroom – Hilton Garden Inn



Dinner & Dance

Ballroom – Hilton Garden Inn

Late Arrival Check-In


Centennial Parties of the Decades

Various Locations

Sat 8 Oct


George Hodge Ball Park re: George Hodge Monument

Balance of the Day Devoted to

EPHS Centennial Celebration Activities on Campus

9 AM-3PM

World Record Attempt


EPHS Main Hall


Battle for The Claw

Panthers vs Tigers

RR Jones Stadium


World Record Attempt

Largest High School Reunion


Free Time

Evening With Homecoming Friends


Sun 9 Oct


Hasta la Vista Brunch

Dutch Treat

Hilton Garden Inn Restaurant & Terrace


NOTE: Times and Locations Subject to Change 25-Apr-2016

The Organizing Committee elected these classmates to head the committee: Chairperson: Steve Blumenthal; Vice Chairperson: Bob Novick; Secretary: Fernando " Fernie" Lopez; Treasurer: Norma (Martinez) Kernz.

Reunion Committees are forming and volunteers are welcome (see Quinquagenary Reunion menu tab).


In addition to working toward a meaningful and memorable Quinquagenary Reunion, the Organizing Committee is also dedicated to assisting with the George Hodge Monument Project. You'll find information about the project honoring your classmate below on this Homepage. Your contributions for the monument project as volunteer and as donor will be appreciated.

Bookmark the website, return often, and look for new announcements as well as new Classmate Profiles. Help spread the word to other members of EPHS66 and friends from those good ol' high school days. If you Facebook, watch for news of the reunion, the centennial, and the George Hodge Monument Project at EPHS 66 Reunion 2016.

Whether as a visitor or as EPHS66, we want you to enjoy this website. Tony Baldi is the website administrator so suggestions, problems, and compliments should be addressed to him through the Contact Us tab.

Who is EPHS66? If you attended El Paso High School in the class that began as lowly 8th Graders in September 1961 and which graduated in May 1966, you are EPHS66. You needn't have attended throughout that five year period; you didn't even have to have graduated from El Paso High School; nor did you have to begin in 8th Grade: you are a member of the EPHS Class of 66 if you are a classmate and at heart an EPHS Tiger!


George Hodge Ball Park Monument Project

Available Now!  Take a virtual of tour of George Hodge Ball Park in the Photo Galleries menu tab.


A Conceptual Image displaying the George Hodge Monument at the site in the ball park where it is to be erected.

On January 8th, 2013, the El Paso Iindependent School District Board of Trustees approved an application from El Paso High School to name the new (completed in 2011) baseball & softball facility for EPHS in memory of George C. Hodge (EPHS Class of 66). The approved application included a monument concept of a tall hunk of quarried limestone on which would be attached a cast bronze plaque displaying a relief of George Hodge and a biographical sketch of him.

The El Paso High School Alumni Association has been authorized to collect donations for the George Hodge Monument Project. Contributions should be made payable to “EPHS Alumni Assn” and mailed to the following address:

EPHS Alumni Association
PO Box 5024
El Paso TX 79953

When sending a donation by check, please write in the Memo “George Hodge Monument” and your EPHS Class above the date (e.g., Co1966). All donations will be acknowledged. The EPHS Alumni Association is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit organization; donations may be deducted for income tax purposes to the extent allowable.

Any donation is welcome, but it is asked that all donors consider a minimum contribution of $15 – the equivalent of just $1.25 per month for a year. EPISD provides no funding for this project: all funds and donated materials and services must be collected from EPHS alumni and from the community. If you can help collect in-kind donations such as contractor services, transportation for the monument stone; the stone itself; etc., please contact Steve Blumenthal or Tony Baldi, administrator for this website, through the “Contact Us” tab.

Carl Campos (EPHS Class of 69) volunteered to provide architectural services for the George Hodge Monument Project and has created four conceptual shemes for the monument and ideas for a paved plaza with coordinated benches to surround the monument.  An EPHS committee adopted the design concept (see above) for the monument on 3 December 2013 from which final design work has been produced.  A architects rendering is displayed above, on the website of the EPHS Alumni Association (, and will be used in releases to news media in El Paso.

2018-2019 Association Officers

  •  President:  Amada Flores (Class of 1963)
  •  Vice President:  Sandy Aaronson (Class of 1964)
  •  Secretary: Becky Huenneke (Class of 1979)
  •  Treasurer:  Roberta Rodriguez (Class of 1974)

NEW POSTAL ADDRESS mail El Paso High School Alumni Association – PO Box 5024 – El Paso, Texas 79953

Annual Dues $20.  For meeting notices, events and other information:

Contact the Alumni Association via E-mail at 

  The EPHS Alumni Association Website is Under Reconstruction 

"You only understand the tradition if you were blessed enough to live it."



EPHS Centennial Tile Project

El Paso High School has been a part of you for decades.  Now, as the historic "School on the Hill" is preparing to observe its Centennial, El Paso High Friends & Exes has devised a way for you to become a part of EPHS, literally.  Above is the 16-inch square tile purchased by the EPHS66 Quinquagenary Reunion Organizing Committee with individual contributions.  The displayed tile will be installed at the school to commemorate the Centennial Celebration.  Each high relief, etched tile is custom made with from one to three lines of personalized text (limit 21 characters and spaces per line). A tile may represent a family of EPHS students, an individual, a graduating class, a business, or a message.

The price per tile is NOW $135 plus $3 for each character over the alotted 60.  Payment to El Paso High Friends & Exes. 

For more information or to obtain an order form, contact EPH Friends & Exes Treasurer, Sandy Aaronson by E-mail or by phone 915-588-7888 (or use the Contact Us menu tab on the left to request an order form; be sure to include the E-mail or street address to which you want the form sent). 


Campus Enhancements Progress
Take a look at the continuing change at the corner on Schuster and Virgina. The top photo is of transformation from a weed ridden yard within a short chain-link fence to a school bus waiting area as it first appeared early in 2014.  The bottom photo is of that space now that some landscaping has been added and taken hold (April 2014)  

This is significant enhancement undertaken by the El Paso High PTSA, but it is by no means the only improvement undertaken by parents, faculty, and students to spruce-up the campus before the Centennial Celebration Year, 2016.  Additional evidence of the PTSA Outdoor Improvement Project is now displayed in an EPHS Campus photo gallery open on this website.  

Thank to the donors who made the Bus Wait Area project possible. The PTSA is still in need of donations and sponsors for these additions to the campus through the end of 2014:  Tree $200; Trash Receptacle $500; Classic 4' Bench $375; Classic 6' Bench $700; Classic Picnic Table $800; Round Table $900.  Click on the SONSORSHIP FLYER links in the EPHS ROAR below for more information.  The deadline for sponsorships is 1 January 2015.  The EPHS Class of 1966 has contributed for a new tree planted at our venerable alma mater; individual donors have contributed for additional items.

Become a subscriber to the Tiger Roar Newsletter

El Paso High Is Turning 100!

The Lady on the Hill is turning 100 in 2016 and the PTSA has some very exciting projects to announce in anticipation of this historic event.

1. Because of an incredible gift by some very generous donors and the hard work and spectacular efforts of Jennifer Barr Ardovino and Desert Elements Landscape Design, LLC, the entrance along Schuster and Virginia will soon have new landscaping. Work will begin very soon. Our goal is to have this phase of the project completed by January, 2014.

2. You can participate in beautifying our beloved school and honoring your loved ones by making a general donation or purchasing trees, tables or benches for installation this Spring. All tables and benches will have a plaque stating in whose memory/honor the donation is made. All other donors’ names will be written on an El Paso High 100 Plaque, placed inside our school. Deadline for purchases is March 1. The sooner items are ordered, the sooner they may be installed. Please see the attached flier and/or go to the EPHS webpage – for more information.


3. Thanks to the generous donations of Pearson’s Tree Farm and the Christmas Tree purchases made by the following, we have planted beautiful new large oak trees at EPHS this week. We would like to thank:
Hugo Arreola, the Claflin/Crane Family, Diane Williams, Felipa Solis, Beth Lucas,
Gloria Ambler, Monica Benjamin, the Mowles Family, the Hallmark/Slavin Family, Judy Templeton, Susan Urbieta, Dan Knapp, Kristina Legan and Mike Bonilla.
The PTSA will again be selling Christmas Trees that will then be donated to EPHS. Look for a Tiger Roar announcement about this project soon.

4. El Paso High 100 will invite students to lead a national program, sponsored by El Paso Master Gardener Ileana Lazo-Kim, in partnership with Ms. Dawn Zumar. This group of students will learn about engaging in their environment and transforming spaces, all while serving and beautifying our school. Look for news about this exciting project coming soon...all students welcome. For more information you may contact Ileana L. Kim by email at
We hope you will join us in celebrating our city’s oldest high school!
If you would like to actively participate in this project or would just like further information, please contact Tricia Jay or Monica Henschel: We have many more plans to beautify our school and we could use your help to accomplish them.

EPHS Beautification Project Sponsor Sheet

EPHS is Turning 100!

PTSA OFFICERS - 2013/2014

President -
Monica Henschel

President Elect -
Victor Vazquez

1st VP-Programs -
Terri Bell

2nd VP-Membership -

Nancy Licon
Laura Leslie

3rd VP-Ways and Means -
Nancy Malooly

Secretary -
Julie Freund

Parliamentarian -
Angie Nickey

Treasurer -
Cindy Crane

EPHS PTSA Facebook page is up and running!

Like us on Facebook!!!!


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